Kristina Mensch


sacral chakra, chrochet object, 44 x 44 x14 cm

My dedication is Artistic Research – as knowing self and world, as a way of reflection.
Artistic knowledge as sensual, embodied knowlegde which is nurtured of the unconscious and emotions.

I am incorporating the process of my experience of reality through the arts in terms of an inner refinement.

My Masterpiece is literally my masterthesis in the field of artistic research: The work of love and its transformations . The Love Story between Günther Metzger and Kristina Mensch. Since 2012 we have been collaborating as MetzgerMensch in the visual arts: Digital Arts / Photography / Graphic Design.

This SOCIAL SCULPTURE was made at Susak Expo, a contemporary art biennale that has taken place on the remote Croatian island of Susak since 2006. It was selected by Expose Art Magazine for the March cover 2018.

My main interest is the Union between female and male.

MetzgerMensch at Susak Expo 2018
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A very special art project was Material:Portraits, a collaboration with OFROOM Vienna. Thank you Christine Bärnthaler for this exciting initiative!